2014 • April

This “Jeu de Familles” from the 1960s designed by Jean Bachès promotes Chambord glassware.

Pop Rocky
“Pop Rocky” miniature playing cards with double-ended caricatures of celebrities and pop stars, originally published inside a magazine, c.1970.

Laboratoires Modernes
Happy Families game by “Laboratoires Modernes” promoting herbal products, c.1929

Picture Proverbs
Picture Proverbs was a Victorian card game illustrating popular proverbs which were seen as words of wisdom.

Austrian Cartomancy Cards
During the 19th century a system of fortune telling arose in Europe using unnumbered, pictorial cards depicting popular imagery with subtitles in several languages.

Albert Heijn’s Boffie Kwartetspel
The “Boffie” Kwartetspel was designed by Huibert Vet and published by Albert Heijn in 1936

Globe Trotters
Globe Trotters follows the journey of a group of travellers who depart from Genoa by ocean liner and sail to the Orient for the ultimate travel experience.

Hafez Fortune Telling Cards
Fortune Tellers use the Hafez Cards by interpreting the Hāfez poems printed on the card backs when cards are selected randomly by their consultants.

Watney’s Happy Families
A vintage Watney's Coombe Reid & Co Ltd promotional card game distributed by the brewery to their customers in c.1930

Happy Melox Families
The “Game of Happy Melox Families” was published by G. Clarke & Son of Thomas Street, London, in 1929.

Ferguson Happy Families
Ferguson Happy Families card game was produced by Ferguson Electronics and printed by John Waddington Ltd in c.1960.

Wills’s Happy Families game
Wills’s “Happy Families” cards were issued by the Imperial Tobacco Company (of Great Britain and Ireland) Limited in around 1930.

Le Progrès de la Circulation
The beautiful images in this quartet game published by Jeux Spear in 1933 depict the progress of transport and travel since early times up til the 1930s.

Mustering of the Mustard Club
The “Mustering of the Mustard Club” was one of many promotional items produced by Colman's for the Mustard Club which was launched in 1926.

Graf Zeppelin
A card game commemorating the first round the world flight by the Graf Zeppelin, published by J.W. Spear & Söhne, Nuremberg, in 1930.

Spear’s Old Maid
Spear’s “The Jolly Game of Old Maid” was introduced around 1900. The cards contain some interesting but harmless social stereotypes from the end of the Victorian era.

Wereldvlucht Kwartet
Published in 1933, this game celebrated the burgeoning passenger services by air around the world. Spears Weltflug Quartette was produced in German, Dutch and English versions.

Indian Ganjifa Playing Cards
‘Ganjifa’ playing cards made in Sheopor in the North of Madhya Pradesh province in Central India. The Ganjifa game probably developed from 13th century games played by Mamluk immigrants from China.