Playing Cards from Czech Republic

Bohemian pattern by Bonaparte
Standard Bohemian pattern designs by Bonaparte, Plzeň, Czech Republic, c.2000.

Bonaparte Bridge
Colourful international designs produced by Bonaparte, Plzeň, Czech Republic, c.2000.

Czech Patience Cards
Patience size playing cards published by Obchodni Tiskarny of Prague, under the brand “Casino”, with cartoon courts in the style of wood engravings.

Disney Princess
Featuring Disney Princesses and Enchanting Tales in two sizes of pack made for Eastern Europe.

Dvouhlavé Hrací Karty
“Dvouhlavé Hrací Karty” (Czech Seasons playing cards) made by Obchodní Tiskárny, c.1980.

EPCS June 2024 Newsletter
Lenthall’s Delightful Cards • Fine China Loving Cup • 64th Pioneer Regt. A Relic of the Raj • Driving the Old Woman to Bed • Speed - the Ships • Speed 8 - Another One Found! • Czech Happy Families • French Costume Cards by de Larmessin • A Goodall Ace of Spades and A Sad Story • Scoop • (Don’t) All Shout at Once: The Fleet Street Games and Others • Parker Brothers - A Note • A Simple Piquet Pack • Astronaut • A Royal Flush • Aesop’s Fables

Incredible Men Playing Cards
Incredible men and their amazing stories playing cards made by Tomski&Polanski

Mickey Mouse Rummy
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other Disney characters on a pack made for Eastern Europe.

‘Motoveteráni’ playing cards featuring the photographs of Robert Sobčák, Czech Republic,

Mucha Playing Cards
Mucha Playing Cards, a deck of playing cards that pays tribute to the artwork of Alphonse Mucha.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Pack featuring six images from the Disney film of the same name, on cards made for Eastern Europe.

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Characters and scenes from the Disney film of the same name, on a pack made for Eastern Europe.

The Simpsons™ (Czech version)
Non-standard Bohemian cards featuring The Simpsons made for EFKO, Czech Republic, 2014.

Trappola cards from Prague
15 Trappola playing cards possibly made by Johann Ziser of Prague, c1760.