Cartomancy and Fortune-Telling

101 Articles 16 Contributors
Cartomancy, Oracle and Divination Cards

Playing cards are used for fortune-telling, predicting the future or even as a psychological adjunct to folk medicine and therapy. Turning another card illumines the moment and new clarity emerges.

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Fortune-Telling Cards

Fortune-Telling Cards

These Fortune-Telling cards, first published as early as 1690, were possibly the first pack of cards ever made specifically for the purpose of fortune-telling.

French Cartomancy cards, c.1830

French Cartomancy cards, c.1830

French Cartomancy cards published by J. Gaudais; printed by Mansion, Paris, c.1830.

Geistliche Karten

Geistliche Karten

Geistliche Karten, Augsburg, 1718. Each card carries a text in Gothic typeface giving advice regarding what to do and think each day. Not quite oracle or divination cards, they are more like 'a motto for the day' collection. The method of using the cards is not known.

Geomancy and playing cards - a match meant to be

Geomancy and playing cards - a match meant to be

Playing cards are made of dualities...

Georgian Fortune Telling Cards

Georgian Fortune Telling Cards

Georgian Fortune Telling Cards, c.1800.

Gipsy Fortune Telling Cards

Gipsy Fortune Telling Cards

“Gipsy” fortune-telling cards with original artwork by Hylton Cock, published by Thomas de la Rue & Co Ltd., c.1910.

Grand Jeu Lenormand

Grand Jeu Lenormand

A pack of 54 playing-cards for fortune-telling each card containing a number of zodiacal, classical and modern images with a miniature card of the conventional type at top left and a letter of the alphabet at top right.

Hafez Fortune Telling Cards

Hafez Fortune Telling Cards

Fortune Tellers use the Hafez Cards by interpreting the Hāfez poems printed on the card backs when cards are selected randomly by their consultants.

Housewives Tarot

Housewives Tarot

Retro-style ‘Housewives Tarot’ designed by Paul Kepple & Jude Buffum, published by Quirk Books, 2004.

I Trionfi d’Amore

I Trionfi d’Amore

Tarot trumps designed by Juan Ballesta and inspired by 1970s pop culture, promoting Baci chocolates.

Il Destino Svelato Dal Tarocco

Il Destino Svelato Dal Tarocco

The Cagliostro Tarot was first published in 1912 as “Il Destino Svelato Dal Tarocco”.

Il Vostro Destino

Il Vostro Destino

Italian fortune-telling pack produced by Viassone and later by Masenghini.

Jeu de Cartomancie pour l’amusement des Dames

Jeu de Cartomancie pour l’amusement des Dames

Early French Cartomancy deck "for the amusement of Ladies" but also referred to as "Jeu divinatoire révolutionnaire", 1788.

Joshi Bharát Tarot

Joshi Bharát Tarot

A set of the major arcana created by an Indian fortune-teller living in Hungary.

Kadar Playing Cards

Kadar Playing Cards

The Kadar deck designed by Christopher J Gould aims to break the norms of playing card design. The vibrant and fun pack has drawn inspiration from travelling fortune tellers and gypsies.

Karty Derzhavnye

Karty Derzhavnye

Karty Derzhavnye (Sovereign cards) with artwork by S. Zaitsev, Russia, 1997.

Karty Lyubvi

Karty Lyubvi

Karty lyubvi Slavyanskie (Slavonic love cards) and Karty lyubvi Starinnye (Ancient love cards).

Kinney Transparent Cards

Kinney Transparent Cards

Kinney Bros Transparent playing cards with hidden images and fortunes, c.1890.

La Sibylle des Salons

La Sibylle des Salons

La Sibylle des Salons facsimile of 19th century deck published by J M Simon, 1979.

Le carte della Fortuna

Le carte della Fortuna

Modern Italian fortune-telling pack from 1975, with designs by Sergio Ruffolo.