Kickstarter & Crowd Funded Playing Cards

Branle playing cards
‘Branle’ playing cards inspired by a 12th-century dance, produced by Noir Arts, USA, 2015.

Cats and Dogs Royale Playing Cards
Two collectable sets of cards featuring Cats and Dogs as Royalty through the ages.

Celtic Myth Playing Cards
Celtic Myth playing cards are the third and final set of cards in a series based around the themes of Celtic mythology and society.

Chernobyl Memorial Playing Cards
Chernobyl Memorial Playing Cards designed by Misery Development Ltd. / Nicolai Aaroe and printed in Ukraine by Noir Arts Playing Cards.

Civil Unrest Playing Cards
A deck of cards inspired by the American Civil War, featuring leaders, army generals, President Abraham Lincoln and other characters from this historical period.

Creative Clash Card Game
The Creative Clash card game, by the Infantree, is a fast-paced card game where you become the Principal of a creative agency and battle with your friends for the biggest Ego around.

A full custom deck of playing cards, inspired by the different cultures of the world; including China, Italy, USA and the Netherlands.

Cyberpunk Playing Cards by Elephant
Cyberpunk playing cards, combining themes of lowlife and high tech. Created by Ben Jones, produced by Elephant Playing Cards, 2019.

Decked Out
Connie Lim has created a beautifully illustrated set of fashion inspired playing cards, a tangible telling of her story, intimately realized in the palm of your hand.

Demograffik Playing Cards
Paul Janzen and Troy Sullivan also know as Hurlyburly Games have created a unique pack to showcase the multicultural flavour of the world through playing cards.

Different Playing Cards by Teach By Magic
Instead of the usual ace of spades, or a seven of diamonds, this pack has a "spade of aces" and a "diamond of sevens"; meaning that the spade is made up of aces using a typographic and illustrative style.

Dragons Playing Cards by Robert Burke
A gorgeous deck of cards featuring the dragon art of Kerem Beyit and printed by the United States Playing Card Company.

Earth Dragons and Other Rare Creatures
Jessica Feinberg, mostly known for her unique mythic paintings of nature, dragons, is a creator the Earth Dragons and Other Rare Creatures playing cards.

Eclipse Comic playing cards (reproduction)
Eclipse Comic playing cards is a reproduction of the first transformation pack printed in the USA in 1876 by F.H. Lowerre.

Edgar Allan Poe Playing Cards
A Kickstarter campaign for a fine deck of playing cards inspired by the works of Edgar Allan Poe