English or ‘International’ Pattern

9 Articles 3 Contributors

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Boisse English pattern

Boisse English pattern

Boisse English pattern, c.1870 based on designs by De La Rue.

English cards from the reign of Charles II

English cards from the reign of Charles II

This article explores a historic pack of English playing cards from circa 1675, likely used by King Charles II and Queen Catherine, detailing their significance, history and unique features

English Pattern by B.P. Grimaud

English Pattern by B.P. Grimaud

Standard English pattern published by B.P. Grimaud with engraving by F. Simon, c.1880.

English pattern by JRC Industries

English pattern by JRC Industries

A standard pack from South Africa using Piatnik courts with minor modifications.

Heráldica Castanyer No. 16

Heráldica Castanyer No. 16

Strange variant of international pattern cards for poker or bridge.



Antique English woodblock playing cards by a card maker named C. Hewson, mid-17th century.

Junior Playing Cards

Junior Playing Cards

Child-friendly versions of standard English pattern cards designed by Louie Mantia, Jr.

Justice playing cards

Justice playing cards

Ethical concepts in a deck produced by Riccardo Conturbia’s Passione Playing Cards Ltd.

Rouen Pattern  - Portrait Rouennais

Rouen Pattern - Portrait Rouennais

An attractive XV century French-suited design from Rouen became the standard English & Anglo-American pattern.