583 Articles

Roddy Somerville

  • France • Member since May 31, 2022

Roddy started collecting stamps on his 8th birthday. In 1977 he joined the newly formed playing-card department at Stanley Gibbons in London before setting up his own business in Edinburgh four years later. His collecting interests include playing cards, postcards, stamps (especially playing cards on stamps) and sugar wrappers. He is a Past President of the Scottish Philatelic Society, a former Chairman of the IPCS, a Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards and Curator of the WCMPC’s collection of playing cards. He lives near Toulouse in France.

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1953 Simpson (Piccadilly) playing cards

Simpson (Piccadilly) playing cards

Innovative advertising pack for Simpsons of Piccadilly designed by André François.

1972 Les Jeux de Pastor

Les Jeux de Pastor

Striking designs by Edouard Pastor focusing on the heads of figures from the medieval period.

1973 Karl Korab

Karl Korab

Austrian artist Karl Korab’s first pack, displaying his use of different techniques.

1971 Le Jeu des Personnages de l’Antiquité et du Moyen-Age

Le Jeu des Personnages de l’Antiquité et du Moyen-Age

Edouard Pastor’s designs in black and gold inspired by Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

1995 Iroha Karuta for Hino City

Iroha Karuta for Hino City

Special version of Iroha Karuta, a traditional Japanese matching game, made for Hino City, Tokyo.

1990 Iroha Karuta

Iroha Karuta

Traditional Japanese matching game played mainly by children.

1965 Jeu de Tarot (Catel & Farcy)

Jeu de Tarot (Catel & Farcy)

Colourful version of a standard French (‘Bourgeois’) Tarot.

1972 Smith-Corona Marchant

Smith-Corona Marchant

Simplified yet colourful court card designs by Avoine for Smith-Corona Marchant.

1975 Redrawn French pattern (Héron)

Redrawn French pattern (Héron)

Redrawn French pattern retaining traditional elements.

1995 Dylan Dog

Dylan Dog

Characters and objects from the Italian comic book series Dylan Dog, written by Tiziano Sciavi and drawn by Corrado Roi.

The Playing-Card Industry & Its Relevance Today

This video explores the relevance of playing cards today, highlighting industry diversification, modern artistic influence, and their use in education, advertising and entertainment.

2000 Austria Ski Team playing cards

Austria Ski Team playing cards

Photos of members of the Austrian skiing team replace the normal courts on two different packs.

1980 Poker Combi-Nation

Poker Combi-Nation

‘Split’ cards with English pattern designs at both ends.

2011 The Heart Deck™

The Heart Deck™

Useful information about heart health on every card.

1968 1968 Worshipful Company Pack

1968 Worshipful Company Pack

Commemorating the Games of the XIX Olympiad, Mexico, 1968 (Master: Michael J. Amberg).

2006 Royal Britain

Royal Britain

Pack devised by Pietro Alligo depicting English monarchs from Alfred the Great to Elizabeth II.

1965 7 Familles Le Manège Enchanté

7 Familles Le Manège Enchanté

The Magic Roundabout characters on a jeu de 7 familles designed by James Hodges.

2010 Grunwald 1410 – The Battle of Tannenberg

Grunwald 1410 – The Battle of Tannenberg

Details from the famous painting of the Battle of Grunwald (1410) by the Polish painter Jan Matejko.

1992 Het Olympisch kaart- en kwartetspel

Het Olympisch kaart- en kwartetspel

Dual-purpose set featuring photos of sporting figures from the Netherlands on every card.

1996 Unimog UX 100

Unimog UX 100

Cartoons promoting the Unimog UX 100, a small truck produced by Mercedes-Benz.

1989 Juristenskat


Caricatures of lawyers and judges by Philipp Heinisch for HEEL Verlag.

2004 Famous Faces playing cards

Famous Faces playing cards

Images of the great and the good to be found in the National Portrait Gallery, London.

1996 Star Trek® – The Original Series

Star Trek® – The Original Series

Promotional pack for CIC Video with characters and starships from the original series of Star Trek.

2024 Paris 2024 Olympics 3

Paris 2024 Olympics 3

Paris Games mascot Phryge engaged in different sports in a Happy Families-type game.

2024 Paris 2024 Olympics 2

Paris 2024 Olympics 2

A standard French Tarot game pack with passing references to the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games.

2024 Paris 2024 Olympics 1

Paris 2024 Olympics 1

Modern Paris pattern courts, special ace and jokers for the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.

2024 Piatnik’s 200<sup>th</sup> Anniversary

Piatnik’s 200th Anniversary

A special philatelic souvenir for Piatnik’s 200th anniversary, combining playing cards and postage stamps.

Playing cards with prints by Sumio Kawakami

Woodblock print designs created by Sumio Kawakami in 1938-9, each card having a different illustration.

QAIPES – cartas españolas

Spanish-suited cards made in China inscribed “QAIPES” and “BAIPES”!

2019 Baraja de la Cocina Española

Baraja de la Cocina Española

A celebration of Spanish gastronomy, with designs by Silja Götz employing non-standard suits.

2012 Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

Crafted by Hatch Design and benefitting the World Wildlife Fund, animal heads replace the traditional courts.

1875 Hand-drawn transformation cards, c1875

Hand-drawn transformation cards, c1875

A complete set of hand-drawn transformation cards from c1875, using a standard De La Rue pack.

2020 Deportivo Alavés 1921-2021

Deportivo Alavés 1921-2021

Drawings by Guillem Bosch of famous Alavés footballers in celebration of the club’s centenary.

2024 Tarot – Images du Pays Basque

Tarot – Images du Pays Basque

Seventy-eight photographic images of the French Basque Country on a pack for playing the game of Tarot.

2023 Warner Bros 100<sup>th</sup> Anniversary

Warner Bros 100th Anniversary

An array of famous characters from Warner Bros films in celebration of the company’s centenary.

1994 Medizin Skat

Medizin Skat

Promotional pack for a hospital group in the Saarland, with non-standard suits and courts designed by Detlef Krause.

2024 Holidays – les côtes françaises

Holidays – les côtes françaises

Holiday destinations around the French coast as depicted by Pauline Launay.

2006 Naipes Kukuxumusu

Naipes Kukuxumusu

A 52-card Spanish-suited advertising pack for a clothing company in Pamplona.

2018 Euskal Herriko Mitologia

Euskal Herriko Mitologia

Important figures from Basque mythology, named in four languages.

2016 Líneas rojas 2016

Líneas rojas 2016

Semicaricatural images of Spanish politicians by Jordi Minguell, combined with non-standard suits.

2022 Jeu des 7 familles basques

Jeu des 7 familles basques

A Happy Families-type game from the Basque country, with designs by Soledad Bravi and Agathe de Lastic.

1647 Sevilla 1647 reproduction

Sevilla 1647 reproduction

Facsimile of Spanish-suited pack produced in Sevilla, Spain, 1647.

1985 Atout Cœur!

Atout Cœur!

Poster designs by children for an anti-smoking campaign in the Midi-Pyrenées region of France.

1978 Kojak bubble gum cards

Kojak bubble gum cards

Bubble gum cards featuring stills – mainly of Telly Savalas – from the cult TV series Kojak.

1985 Victor Hugo 1885-1985

Victor Hugo 1885-1985

Characters from novels by Victor Hugo marking the centenary of his death, as conceived by Dominique Asselot.

1985 Victor Hugo “L’homme qui rit”

Victor Hugo “L’homme qui rit”

Two different packs with costume designs for Victor Hugo plays, issued on the centenary of his death.

2017 Les Beaux Étés

Les Beaux Étés

Comic book characters who lead mundane lives, with designs by Jordi Lafebre.

1996 I Tarocchi del Buongustaio

I Tarocchi del Buongustaio

A less-than-serious set of major arcana on a gourmet theme, with designs by Cosimo Musio.

1981 Haushaltgeräte


Publicity pack for VEB Kombinat Haushaltgeräte, makers of household goods, with designs by Volker Hartmann.

2024 Traditional Cyprus Recipes

Traditional Cyprus Recipes

Traditional recipes from Cyprus, with a small photo of each dish.

1770 Cartes enfantines

Cartes enfantines

Miniature 18th century Paris pattern cards for children, with decorated aces and 2s.