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Edizioni del Solleone

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A. Camoin & Cie, Casablanca & Marseille

A. Camoin & Cie, Casablanca & Marseille

Spanish national pattern by A. Camoin & Cie, Casablanca & Marseille

Carte Méthodique 1982

Carte Méthodique

Reproduction of a French pack by François Silvestre intended to teach heraldry, produced in Paris in 1712.

Carte Romantiche Italiane 1984

Carte Romantiche Italiane

Scenes of life and the theatre in Milan towards the second half of the 19th century.

Cartes Recréatives 1819

Cartes Recréatives

Cartes Recréatives is a set of Transformed playing cards designed by Armand-Gustave Houbigant (1790-1863) and first published by Terquem et May, Metz, in 1819.

Corona Ferrea 1844

Corona Ferrea

Trumps depict historical scenes primarily of the political period known as the Holy Roman Empire from the 6th to 16th century.

Il Mercante in Fiera del Solleone 1986

Il Mercante in Fiera del Solleone

Traditional Italian card game with bold designs by Costante Costantini.

Italia playing cards 1970

Italia playing cards

Small, narrow cards designed by Osvaldo Menegazzi, bearing a strong resemblance to a Swedish pattern pack.

Jeu Grotesque 1800

Jeu Grotesque

Jeu Grotesque was first published in France c.1800.

L’Utile col Diletto 1725

L’Utile col Diletto

Geographical and Heraldic Tarocchi cards from Bologna, 1725.

La Cour Galante 1979

La Cour Galante

‘La Cour Galante’ playing cards with erotic images by Costante Costantini, Italy, 1979.

Le Jeu de la Guerre 1698

Le Jeu de la Guerre

Facsimile of “Le Jeu de la Guerre” designed by Gilles de la Boissière in 1698.

Le Nuove Minchiate di Firenze 1981

Le Nuove Minchiate di Firenze

Costante Costantini's second Minchiate deck, “Le Nuove Minchiate di Firenze”, was published by Solleone in 1981.

Lo Stampatore 1977

Lo Stampatore

‘Lo Stampatore’ linocut images created by Sergio Favret, published as a deck of cards by Editions Solleone / Vito Arienti in 1977.

Minchiate Fiorentine 1980

Minchiate Fiorentine

Minchiate Fiorentine created by Costante Costantini, published by Edizioni del Solleone.

Minchiate Fiorentine, 17th C.

Minchiate Fiorentine, 17th C.

17th century Minchiate cards reprinted from the original woodblocks.

Mitelli ‘Gioco di Passatempo’ 1690

Mitelli ‘Gioco di Passatempo’

Il Gioco di Passatempo contains 40 figurative playing cards depicting moral virtues and vices, dated 1690.

Napoleone playing cards 1971

Napoleone playing cards

Long, narrow cards designed by Osvaldo Menegazzi, featuring Napoleon, Josephine and various soldiers.

Neapolitan Pattern

Neapolitan Pattern

Neapolitan pattern

Piedmont Pattern

Piedmont Pattern

The Piedmont pattern is a very close relative to the French 'Paris' pattern. The courts are not named, however, and are divided horizontally (rather than diagonally).

Portuguese pattern

Portuguese pattern

19th century Portuguese pattern, re-printed from original woodblocks.