Playing Cards from Around the World
The different countries in the world feature distinct cultures and histories, styles of government, many different languages, national suit systems and playing card patterns. Some of the older patterns are now archaic or extinct, whereas others are universal.

Argentinian Playing Cards - Naipes Argentinos
Playing cards were introduced to the Americas with Spanish explorers such as Columbus or Cortés.

Playing cards from Australia.

Belgian Playing Cards
Belgian cardmakers have been actively designing and exporting playing cards since the 14th century. ...

Playing card production in Brazil was officially sanctioned by royal decree in 1770.

Chilean Playing Cards
Naipes Chilenos ~ Early Chilean playing cards were based upon Spanish models.

Chinese Playing Cards 中国纸牌
The Chinese took their cards with them wherever they travelled and traded in the East, and we find C...

Colombian playing cards.

The Republic of Czechoslovakia was founded in 1918 from the former Austro-Hungarian empire.

Estonia's first period of independence lasted 22 years, beginning in 1918, and this period was one o...

German playing cards
Card-playing rapidly became popular in medieval Bavaria and German printers were quick to supply the...

Greek Playing Cards
Greek Playing Cards.

History of Danish Playing Cards
The earliest mention of playing-cards in Denmark dates from 1487 when King Hans, who reigned from 14...

Italian Playing Cards
The first reliable evidence that playing cards were being used in Italy is from 1376, when a game ca...

Japanese Playing Cards
Japanese playing cards include: 'Awase' or 'matching pairs' cards and Portuguese or Spanish-derived ...

The game of Hanafunda was introduced into Korea by the Japanese and modified somewhat by the Koreans...

Latvian Playing Cards
The best Latvian playing cards were produced just after independence, during the period 1921-1942.

Lithuanian Playing Cards
During the 20th century Lithuanian printers produced striking playing cards containing Lithuanian sy...

The so-called ‘Dragon Cards’, with winged monsters on the four Aces, are an enigmatic aspect of earl...

Playing cards have been known in the Low Countries since the 14th century

Peruvian Playing Cards
Playing cards have been travelling from Spain to South American colonies ever since Christopher Colu...

Playing cards from Finland
Playing cards from Finland. Finnish cards have a relatively short history, presumably because the co...

Playing Cards from Mexico
MEXICO shares a long tradition with Spain in the field of playing cards. The Estanco de Naipes (play...

Playing cards in Morocco
The earliest literary references to playing cards in Europe refer to the game having been introduced...

Playing cards in Puerto Rico
Playing cards in Puerto Rico.

Playing cards in Wales - Welsh playing cards
Whereas the distinctiveness of Wales is an important resource contributing to the rich texture of va...

Portuguese Playing Cards
The Real Fábrica de Cartas de Jogar was founded in 1769, by Royal Charter of King José, under the ma...

Spanish Playing Cards ~ La Baraja Española
Spain has played a pivotal role in the history of playing cards in Europe and Latin America.

Swedish cards have characteristics in common with their Scandinavian neighbours

Swiss Playing Cards
The Swiss national suit system of shields, acorns, hawk bells and flowers emerged sometime during th...

Thai & Siamese Playing Cards
The Portuguese were the first Westerners to trade with Ayutthaya in Thailand in the 16th century. Tr...

Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago comprises a unique mix of races and cultures that can be traced back to Africa, ...

Once the centre of the Ottoman Empire.

U. S. A.
The manufacture of playing cards in America only began during the second half of the 18th century, a...

United Kingdom
Playing cards first arrived in England during the 15th century, but none have survived from such an ...

Uruguayan Playing Cards
Until the 19th century playing cards were imported into Uruguay from Spain.

Wiener pattern
The Vienna pattern, or Wiener Bild, is a distant relative of the early Lyons pattern. The King of He...