Thanks are due to the following individuals who have contributed articles or images of cards from their collections:
Tola Abodunnrin, Peter Mark Adams, Greg Alonzo, Shirley Ashman, Lee Asher, Gene Barry, Amit Benyovits, Jack Berkus, Becky Bevan, Francis Bevers, John Bevin, Erik Blåsjö, Scott Blue, Stephen Bohrer, Pete Bond, Albinas Borisevičius, Peter Bowie, Sallie Boyd, David Buck, Peter Burnett, David & Jackie Butler, Steve Campbell, Egoitz Campo Gonzalez, Alberto Campos, Dean Canter, Sean Comstock, Mike Cooper, Paul Cotner, Michael Curtis, John Daniels, Neil Darbyshire, Frederic C. Detwiller, Emma Donovan, Marc Dorst, Dan Dragojevich, Alison Dunne, John Edelson, Camelia Elias, Vincent Ellul, Peter Endebrock, David Epps, Alan Ferg, Steve Ferguson, David Fiorito, Juan Fontenla, Lauren Forestell, John Gallagher, Enrique García Martín, Alec Gibb, Tony Gibbs-Murray, Richard Giorgio, Steven & Marsha Goldblatt, Mike Goodall, Linda Green, Richard Green, Andy Grigg, Per Kristian Guntvedt, Tony Hall, Mark Hayward, Ib Hedegaard, Hans Hinrup, Mike Jacobs, Saskia Jansen, K. Frank Jensen, Linda Johnson, Siobhan Johnson, Barbara Jones, Dalu Jones, David C. Kelzenberg, Jukka Kettunen, Valentin Krasavin, Alex Lamont, Robert S. Lancaster, Pavel Langer, Anthony Lee, Larry Lefkowitz, John Lillyquist, Ken Lodge, Ruth Mancino, Maria Marcet, Angela Marsh, Cheryl McDonagh, Stuart McEwan, Kody McGregor, Tracy Moffatt, Claire Moore, Mike J. Morrissey, Joop Muller, José Manuel Murcia, Larry and Tammy Northup, Diane O'Donovan, Dudley Ollis, Cunie Out, José Luiz Pagliari, Tim Paine, Daria Luisa Patanè, Phil Patenaude, Marc Pavone, Diego Peña, Juan José Pérez-Castejón, Alberto Pérez González, John Perry, Joseph Pierson, Rex Pitts, Matt Probert, Jon Randall, Chris Rayner, Jay Recher, Kathey Renault, Elizabeth Richmond, Ruud Ruitenberg, Juan José Ruiz, Peter Scarlett, Klaus-Jürgen Schultz, Martin Shaw, Felipe da Silveira, John Sings, Charles Smythe, Roddy Somerville, Rod Starling, Richard Strand, Elaine Stringer, Lawrence Sullivan, Paul Symons, Jean Szawiola, Pauline Tait, Nick Thomas, Barney Townshend, Mike & Daf Tregear, Maria Alessandra Umiltà, Luz Ángela Vargas, Pat Waddington, Jan Walls, Melissa Walter, Donald Welsh, Adam West-Watson, Samten de Wet, Becky Winter, Lotte Wintle, Richard Woodley, Chris Woodward, Touya Yabuhashi, Valentin Zadunaisky. Also: Archivo General de la Nación (Buenos Aires), the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, Turnhout (Belgium), the Archaeological Service of the Municipality of Dordrecht (Netherlands), the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards Collection and the London Metropolitan Archives, City of London Corporation.
Playing Card Bibliography
The following works have been consulted in preparing this website:

Agudo Ruiz, Juan de Dios: Los Naipes en España, Diputación Foral de Álava, 2000
Alexander, J. J. G: The Master of Mary of Burgundy: a Book of Hours for Englebert of Nassau, The Bodleian Library, Oxford and George Braziller, Inc., New York, 1970
d'Allemagne, Henry-René: Les cartes à jouer du XIVe au XXe siècle, Hachette et Cie, Paris, 1906. 2 vols.
Arias Divito, Juan Carlos: La Renta de los Naipes en Santa Fe (1779-1810), in LA SOTA no.28, Asescoin, Madrid, March 2003
Arienti, Vito: Il Solleone, dieci anni di azioni promozionali, editoriali, provocatorie di amicizia, di collezionismo nel mondo Europeo della cartagiocofilia 1969-1978, Edizioni del Solleone, Lissone (Milano) 1978.
Autenboer, Dr Eugeen van: The Turnhout Playing Card Industry 1826-1976, Aurelia Books, Brussels 1976
Bermúdez Plata, Cristóbal: Contrato sobre Fabricación de Naipes en Nueva España (1945), reprinted in LA SOTA no.28, Asescoin, Madrid, March 2003
Bethel, Leslie (ed): Argentina Since Independence, Cambridge University Press, 1993
Brearley, Douglas: A History of Waddingtons, in-house publication 1975-76
Burnett, P.P.: “Russian playing card history: from the beginnings to 1917”, published in The Playing Card, 13 (4), May 1985, pp. 97-113 and reprinted in The Playing Card, 40 (1), Jul-Sep 2011, pp. 41-57 download here►
Cárdenas Martin, Mercedes: Dados y Naipes del Siglo XVI en una Huaca del Valle del Rimac, Peru, Boletín de Lima Vol.XXI, No.116 (1999) pp.42-60.
Chamorro Fernández, María Inés: Léxico del naipe del Siglo de Oro, Ediciones Trea, S.L., Gijón, 2005.
Chatto, William Andrew: Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing Cards, J R Smith, London, 1848 (online here)
Christensen, Thomas: River of Ink: literature, history and art, Counterpoint, Berkeley, Ca, 2014.
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D'Allemagne, Henry René: Cartes à Jouer du XIVe au XXe Siècle, Librairie Hachette et Cie, Paris, 1906, excerpts re-published in Antique Playing Cards: a Pictorial Treasury, selected and arranged by Carol Belanger Grafton, Dover Publications, 1996
Dawson, Tom & Judy: The Hochman Encyclopedia of American Playing Cards, U.S. Games Systems Inc., 2000
De Hamel, Christopher: Medieval Craftsmen, Scribes and Illuminators, British Museum Press, London, 1992
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Dummett, Michael: The Game of Tarot: From Ferrara to Salt Lake City, Duckworth, 1980
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Evans, Joan (editor): The Flowering of the Middle Ages, Thames and Hudson, London, 1966
Farley, Helen: A Cultural History of Tarot, published in 2009 by I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd.
Ferg, Alan: See: Wayland, 2006
Ferro Torrelles, Victor: Registro de Naiperías Españolas 1380-2004, Asescoin, Madrid.
Field, Albert: Transformation Playing Cards, U.S. Games Systems Inc., Stamford, CT, 1987
Fisher, Margaret Sargent: The Devil's Picture Books, The Yale University Library Gazette, Vol. 20, No. 3 (January 1946), pp. 41-47
Fournier Museum/Fundación NatWest: Naipes Británicos y su Influencia Internacional, Diputación Foral de Alava, 1993
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García Martín, Enrique: La Baraja Politica Moderna, privately published, Madrid, 1991 (courtesy of the author)
García Martín, Enrique: Los Naipes en el Cono Sur Americano, in LA SOTA no.17, Asescoin, Madrid, October 1997
García Martín, Enrique: Las Barajas de Símbolos Españoles en América, in LA SOTA no.25, Asescoin, Madrid, September 2001
Gardiner, Mary and Hayter, John: Catalogue of Happy Family Games (Promotional Packs), EPCS/privately published, 1997
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Goodall, Michael H, Sue Gosling and Keith Bonnick (with contributions by John Berry & Ken Lodge): Playing-Cards of the Cuming Museum, in “The Playing Card” Vol.31 no.6, May-June 2003, IPCS, England.
See list of Books on Playing Card History by Mike Goodall►
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See also the World of Playing Cards Downloads Centre.