Playing Card Stencilling

4 Articles 2 Contributors
Printing of Playing Cards: Stencilling

Printing of Playing Cards :: Stencilling can usually be detected by observing the outlines of the coloured areas which are often irregular with brush strokes discernible in the coloured areas.

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Bon Gout No.11 with Crimean War aces

Bon Gout No.11 with Crimean War aces

Made by Mesmaekers & Moentack of Turnhout.

Dreveton - Provence pattern

Dreveton - Provence pattern

French cardmakers Jean and François Dreveton lived in Aix-en-Provence.

Manufacture of Playing Cards

Manufacture of Playing Cards

Traditionally cardmakers worked in guilds with long apprenticeships under master craftsmen.

Printing of Playing Cards: Stencilling

Printing of Playing Cards: Stencilling

Printing of Playing Cards :: Stencilling can usually be detected by observing the outlines of the coloured areas which are often irregular with brush strokes discernible in the coloured areas.