Literature and Playing Cards

93 Articles 11 Contributors

Wherever there is freedom of expression books, articles and other literary sources such as adventure stories, folk tales, historical or scientific literature have all been inspiration for artists, including designers of playing cards and educational games.

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Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes deck with caricatures by Jeff Decker published by Gemaco Playing Card Co. 1989.

Sherlock Holmes illustrated playing cards

Sherlock Holmes illustrated playing cards

Sherlock Holmes playing cards with illustrations by Sidney Paget, United Kingdom

Sherlock Holmes Playing Cards

Sherlock Holmes Playing Cards

Three fine deck of playing cards inspired by the characters and stories of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Sixty Penguin Years Playing Cards

Sixty Penguin Years Playing Cards

In celebration of 60 years of publishing Penguin Books Ltd, 1995.

The Club Series by G. Bell & Sons

The Club Series by G. Bell & Sons

George Bell & Sons produced ‘The Club Series’ of books each specialising in one or more of the popular games of the period.

The Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck & Card Game

The Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck & Card Game

The Lord of the Rings Tarot Pack by Terry Donaldson and artist Peter Pracownik. Published 1997 by U.S. Games Systems.

Vanity Fair 1868-1914

Vanity Fair 1868-1914

Vanity Fair 1868-1914 playing cards published by Billy Bembo, United Kingdom, 1995.

Victor Hugo “L’homme qui rit”

Victor Hugo “L’homme qui rit”

Two different packs with costume designs for Victor Hugo plays, issued on the centenary of his death.

Victor Hugo 1885-1985

Victor Hugo 1885-1985

Characters from novels by Victor Hugo marking the centenary of his death, as conceived by Dominique Asselot.

Wedding of Krechinsky • Свадьба Кречинского

Wedding of Krechinsky • Свадьба Кречинского

A pack of cards depicting characters from the famous play "The Wedding of Krechinsky" by Sukhovo-Kobylina. Колода содержит изображения персонажей известной пьесы Сухово-Кобылина "Свадьба Кречинского"

Whist writers and pseudonyms

Whist writers and pseudonyms

Why did so many early writers about whist and other card games feel the need to write under a pseudonym?

Wonderland Misfitz

Wonderland Misfitz

Wonderland Misfitz by C.W. Faulkner & Co. Ltd, c.1908.

World of Harry Potter

World of Harry Potter

World of Harry Potter playing cards produced by Winning Moves under Waddingtons Number 1 brand, 2019.