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78 Articles 4 Contributors

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Michael Scot's rebus figure of

Michael Scot's rebus figure of "Juppiter" as prototype for the tarot pack's "Magus”/”Bateleur”

A precursor for the 'Bateleur'/'Magus' included in the major arcana of our tarot pack.



Piquet: the game and its artifacts

Piquet: the game and its artifacts

Piquet may be the oldest card game which is still played today with origins going back to early 16th Century.

Poker Patience

Poker Patience

Poker Patience, according to an early 20th century author, was "introduced so recently as the autumn of 1908".



Shipman’s Guide: early card-packs and the Arcana

Shipman’s Guide: early card-packs and the Arcana

In late medieval Europe, among the various forms of card-sets that were tried, two were apparently found most useful.