Television-related Playing Cards

46 Articles 7 Contributors

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South Park Playing Cards

South Park Playing Cards

South Park characters and famous one-liners, by Carta Mundi for Hasbro Int. Inc., 2001.

The Muppet Show

The Muppet Show

“The Muppet Show” playing cards made by ASS in 1978.

Three Stooges playing cards

Three Stooges playing cards

54 different photos of the famous American vaudeville and comedy team.

Topo Gigio

Topo Gigio

Topo Gigio card game by Joker S.A., Argentina, c.1985.

Twin Peaks coffee

Twin Peaks coffee

‘Twin Peaks coffee’ playing cards produced by Cultzilla, United Kingdom, 2018.

Woody Woodpecker

Woody Woodpecker

Woody Woodpecker card game by Pepys, 1975.