B.P. Grimaud

1900 Jeu de Cartes
‘Jeu de Cartes 1900’ designed by Marie Christine Schira in the Art Nouveau or Jugendstil style, 1979.

7 Familles Le Manège Enchanté
The Magic Roundabout characters on a jeu de 7 familles designed by James Hodges.

Boulogne-sur-Mer Chamber of Commerce
Boulogne-sur-Mer Chamber of Commerce & Industry playing cards illustrated by James Hodges, c.1974.

Cartes Imperiales et Royales
‘Cartes Imperiales et Royales’ published by B. P. Grimaud & Cie representing imperial rulers and consorts from Austria, England, France & Russia, mid-19th century

Cartes politiques : Jeu d'actualité
Political playing cards published by Grimaud et Chartier, Paris, 1872.

Compagnie Maritime des Chargeurs Réunis
French navigators and explorers on a promotional pack for the C.M.C.R shipping company.

Conseil Général de la Somme
Famous people and places of the Somme department in northern France, with designs by James Hodges.

‘Correspondances’ depicting the 52 transfer stations of the Paris Métropolitain, France, 1985.

Dames de France
“Dames de France” published by J-M Simon based on originals by Armand Gustave Houbigant, Paris, c.1817

English Pattern by B.P. Grimaud
Standard English pattern published by B.P. Grimaud with engraving by F. Simon, c.1880.

France, Champions du Monde 2018
Colour photographs of the World Cup-winning French football squad of 2018.

French External Trade Organization
Promoting the elegance and quality of a range of French products.

French Playing Cards
Some of the oldest cards still in existence come from France. During the 16th and 17th centuries France was the major supplier of playing cards in Europe.

Geneviève Lirola
Stylish modern designs by the painter, decorator and ceramist Geneviève Lirola, featuring unity of colours in each suit.