Clifford Toys

9 Articles 2 Contributors
Clifford Toys

Clifford Toys is a brand name of F. Levy & Co., Ltd, London, sellers of toys and fancy goods.

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Clifford ‘Donkey’ card game

Clifford ‘Donkey’ card game

Clifford ‘Donkey’ card game, c.1948.

Clifford Toys

Clifford Toys

Clifford Toys is a brand name of F. Levy & Co., Ltd, London, sellers of toys and fancy goods.



Donkey card game published by Clifford Toys, c.1955.

Miniature Playing Cards

Miniature Playing Cards

Miniature Playing Cards from around the world.

Old Maid

Old Maid

Old Maid by Clifford Toys

Pantomime Snap

Pantomime Snap

Clifford Series “Pantomime Snap”

Snap Cards

Snap Cards

Clifford Series Snap Cards, c.1950.

The ‘Mystic’

The ‘Mystic’

The ‘Mystic’ Fortune Teller card game by Clifford Toys.

There and Back

There and Back

There and Back published by Clifford, c.1955.