Ferdinand Gumppenberg
6 Articles
3 Contributors

Corona Ferrea
Trumps depict historical scenes primarily of the political period known as the Holy Roman Empire from the 6th to 16th century.

Gumppenberg of Milan
Fine playing cards made by Gumppenberg of Milan evoking the style of antiquity, c.1830

Tarocchino Lombardo, c.1835
“Tarocchino Lombardo” c.1835, a limited facsimile edition of 2500 by Edizione del Solleone, Italy, 1981.

Tarocco Neoclassico
Gumppenberg published several new decks by artists or engravers of the day. The designs are clear and well-engraved, in the style of the revival of antiquity, preserving the symbolic intensity of the Tarot.