Impressão Régia

Impressão Règia, Real Fábrica de Lisboa.
The Real Fábrica de Cartas de Jogar was founded in 1769, along with a paper mill, by Royal Charter of King José, under the master craftsman Lorenzo Solezio, brother of Félix Solesio who ran the Spanish Real Fábrica at Macharaviaya. Lorenzo received permission to make cards and sell them in Portugal and overseas territories. The production and sale of playing cards was a profitable business. In 1769 the Royal Playing Card Factory was annexed to the Impressão Régia (Royal Press). The name changed to Imprenta Nacional in 1820.

Portuguese pattern by Real Fábrica
Later Portuguese pattern by Impressão Règia, Real Fábrica de Lisboa.

Portuguese Playing Cards
The Real Fábrica de Cartas de Jogar was founded in 1769, by Royal Charter of King José, under the master craftsman Lorenzo Solezio, brother of Félix Solesio who ran the Spanish Real Fábrica at Macharaviaya.