David Kimberley & Sons
5 Articles
3 Contributors

EPCS May 1984 Newsletter Members Only
The Rowley Pack • The Wedding of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales • Kimberley's Royal National Patriotic Playing Cards • Alice in Wonderland • Goodall's Historic Cards • The Queen of Clubs • 'Snip'

Kimberley 1892
William Kimberley applied for a patent in respect of his improved playing cards in February 1892 and his application was fully accepted that year.

Kimberley’s Royal National Patriotic playing cards, c.1902
This edition has standard corner indices replacing the words King, Queen and Jack, and also contains a “Jolly Joker” depicting a lady holding an Ace of Hearts.

Portrait Playing Cards
Portrait playing cards, featuring realistic drawings of people on the court cards instead of traditional stylized figures, originated in the 18th century and continue to gain popularity.