Naipes Vigor S.R.L

“Ataque”, a card game simulating football manufactured in Buenos Aires by Vigor S.R.L., 1958.

Cartas Gitanas
The designs of these fortune-telling cards are largely taken from nineteenth century Austrian "Rural Scenes" Tarock cards.

Jewish Card Game
Judaism is the oldest of the great monotheist religions, parent of Christianity and Islam.

Naipes Barcelonesa by Vigor S.R.L., Bs As, 1960
Naipes Barcelonesa Spanish-suited playing cards manufactured by Vigor S.R.L., Buenos Aires, 1960.

Naipes Chinita by Vigor S.R.L.
Naipes Chinita Spanish-suited playing cards manufactured by Vigor S.R.L., Bs Aires, c.1955.

Naipes La Española by Vigor S.R.L.
Naipes La Española Spanish-suited playing cards manufactured by Vigor S.R.L., Buenos Aires, c.1955-75.

Naipes La Estrella
Naipes La Estrella Spanish-suited playing cards manufactured by Vigor S.R.L., Buenos Aires, c.1955.

Naipes Pokerin by Vigor S.A.C. e I., Buenos Aires, c.1975
Naipes Pokerin playing cards manufactured by Vigor S.A.C. e I., Buenos Aires, c.1975.

Naipes Tipo Húngaro
32 cards Hungarian "Seasons" pattern, with Argentinean tax stamp and trade mark of six-pointed star on 7 of bells, c.1955-60.

Naipes Vigor S.R.L.
VIGOR S.R.L (1955 - c1975) manufactured a range of playing cards and card games, including Chinita, La Estrella, Barcelonesa, La Española, Fantasio, Las Rosas, Pokerin, Cartas Gitanas and a Hungarian Seasons pack.

Playing cards were traditionally sold inside paper wrappers, which were usually thrown away.