Naipes El Ciervo

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Cadiz-Catalan style pack

Cadiz-Catalan style pack

High-quality standard designs by Sebastián Comas y Ricart, Barcelona, Spain, 1896.

El Ciervo N°4

El Ciervo N°4

“El Ciervo” No.4 manufactured by Hija de Antonio Comas during the Spanish Civil War, with mural crown and flag of the 2nd Republic on the ace of coins, c.1938.

El Ciervo, c.1930

El Ciervo, c.1930

Sebastian Comas y Ricart - Hija de A. Comas “El Ciervo” Spanish Catalan pattern, c.1930.

Sebastian Comas y Ricart, Barcelona

Sebastian Comas y Ricart, Barcelona

“El Ciervo” standard Catalan-type pack made in Barcelona by Sebastian Comas y Ricart, c.1905-10.