Playing Cards from USA

13: Some North American Cards
I deal with some of the US makers in more detail on other pages, but here is a brief introduction.

1906 Earthquake
Facts, figures, stories and scandals about the 1906 Earthquake published by the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy.

26th Yankee Division
“26th Yankee Division Playing Cards” was designed by Alban B. Butler, Jr and printed by the Press of the Woolly Whale, New York, in 1933.

35: More Design Copies
Here I want to take another widely copied design and see how individual variation by the copier can take the original design through a lot of changes. I shall take the three USPCC designs: US3 (wide), US3.1 (bridge) and US4 (wide). To the best of my knowledge these are no longer used in the US, except perhaps for special productions, as in the retro market.

42: Andrew Dougherty
Andrew Dougherty was one of the biggest American card-makers in the 19th century.

43: The United States Playing Card Co.
The United States Playing Card Co. (USPCC) represents an amalgamation of all the major American card-makers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries

52 reasons to re-elect George Bush
“52 reasons to re-elect George Bush” political playing cards published in 2004.

52 Ways to talk about adoption
‘52 Ways to talk about adoption’ family-centred playing cards produced by the Center for Adoption Support and Education, USA.

8-Bit Mafia and 8-Bit Werewolf
This pack created by Michael Scott has been inspired by retro 8-bit pixel games from the 80s and 90s.

A. Dougherty’s Triplicate Recreation
A recreated of the original 1876, No. 18, Triplicate deck by A. Dougherty by Michael Scott in 2014.