Medical & Pharmaceutical Playing Cards
35 Articles
7 Contributors

It is remarkable how often medical and pharmaceutical products are promoted using humorous or comic designs. Playing cards are no exception, with a wide variety of decks promoting pharmaceuticals, from over-the-counter drugs to children’s games.

Merry Andrews Happy Families
Merry Andrews - the very Happy Families, published by Scott & Turner Ltd, 1936.

Naipes Inca for Hoechst Karidium
Naipes Inca for Hoechst Karidium by C. Della Penna S.A.C.I., Buenos Aires, c.1973.

Pepsamar advertising playing cards
Anglo-American style advertising playing cards made in Peru by Litográfica del Perú, c.1975, for Sydney Ross S.A. / Winthrop Pepsamar indigestion remedy.

Rzeszowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne “Polfa”
Photographs of pharmaceutical products, produced for RZF, Rzeszów, Poland, c.1995.