Political Playing Cards

Political playing cards were introduced in the 17th century providing entertainment by satirising or deriding current events and leaders. Propaganda cards, Imperial decks, war cards and even educational card games all carry a message which relates to the politics of memory, the means by which events are remembered and recorded, the way history is written and passed on. Historical memory can be used to arouse emotional reactions...

Naipes Artiguistas, 1816
Naipes Artiguistas published in Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Rios province (Argentina) in 1816, by Fray Solano García.

Nineteenth Century Pack
A magnificent example of Goodall & Son’s range of chromolithographed Commemorative playing cards from the late nineteenth century..

Not the Iraqi Most Wanted playing cards
Fifty-five Irish heroes and villains, some ancient but mostly modern.

Obama Presidential playing cards, 2012
Obama Presidential re-election playing cards published by Parody Productions LLC of Cincinnati, Ohio, 2012.

Oliver North’s Pack of Lies
“Oliver North’s Pack of Lies” produced to help defeat Oliver North in his bid for Senator of Virginia, USA, 1994.

Operation Iraqi Freedom playing cards
Operation Iraqi Freedom: U.S. Military heroes playing cards, 2003.

Pam is the Knave of Clubs
Playing cards as metaphors in 18th century art - from fate, chance and social hierarchy to critique of the ruling classes and political events.

Perón political decks
La baraja ‘Popular’, featuring Juan Domingo Perón issued at the time of Perón's election campaign in 1951. The reverse shows silhouettes of Juan Domingo Perón and his wife Evita.

Playing cards by António
Caricatures by António Moreira Antunes of Portuguese politicians from the 1980s, with non-standard suits corresponding to their respective parties.

Playing Politics
“Playing Politics” or “Cabinet Shuffle” specially commissioned by the Victoria and Albert Museum, 1983.

Playing Politics ’92: Pack of lies
Playing Politics ’92: Pack of lies with caricatures by Grant Robertson, UK.

Playing Politics 2010
“Playing Politics ’10: With no expenses spared” featuring caricatures by Oliver Preston, published by InterCol London, UK.