Sands & McDougall

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44: Australia

44: Australia

Two early makers, Thomas and Sands & McDougall, used courts copied from those of the New York Consolidated Card Co.

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Australian Brewery Advertising.



‘Pelaco’ playing cards with Aboriginal characters by Sands & McDougall, Australia, c.1930.

Sands & McDougall

Sands & McDougall

Sands & McDougall, playing card manufacturers, Melbourne, late 1890s-c.1970.

Sands & McDougall Aces & Jokers

Sands & McDougall Aces & Jokers

Sands & McDougall produced many beautiful Spade Aces and Jokers.

Sands & McDougall Court Cards

Sands & McDougall Court Cards

Sands & McDougall Court Cards