
7 Articles 5 Contributors

Stancraft Playing Cards were manufactured by Brown & Bigelow of whom they were a subsidiary.

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Hamm’s Beer

Hamm’s Beer

Hamm’s Beer promotion deck with bear cartoons by Frank M. Antoncich 1968.

Maya Deck

Maya Deck

The Maya Deck produced by Stancraft for Hoyle, 1976.

Official World’s Fair Souvenir, USA, 1964-6

Official World’s Fair Souvenir, USA, 1964-6

Official souvenir pack showing 52 coloured exhibits from the New York World’s Fair, 1964-6.

Ripley’s Believe It or Not! playing cards

Ripley’s Believe It or Not! playing cards

Strange facts from Robert Ripley’s ‘Believe It or Not’ books, in the form of cartoons.



Stancraft Playing Cards were manufactured by Brown & Bigelow of whom they were a subsidiary.

Stancraft “Split Deck”

Stancraft “Split Deck”

Stancraft “Split Deck”, 1979.