Monarchs and Royalty on playing cards

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Royal Cards Reign of Queen Anne

Royal Cards Reign of Queen Anne

“Royal Cards Reign of Queen Anne” cover historical events, both honourable and treacherous, during the period 1702 to 1704.

Royal Hawaiian playing cards

Royal Hawaiian playing cards

Royal Hawaiian playing cards published by the Royal Hawaiian Playing Card Company, Honolulu.

Royal Old Maid Game

Royal Old Maid Game

This antique card game features English kings and queens from William the Conqueror to Queen Victoria, along with their spouses or consorts.

Royal Pavilion at Brighton

Royal Pavilion at Brighton

The Royal Pavilion, also known as the Brighton Pavilion, is an Asian-style palace built for King George IV when he was Prince of Wales.

Royal Playing Cards, 1890s

Royal Playing Cards, 1890s

Royal Playing Cards, 1890s

Scarfes Bar playing cards

Scarfes Bar playing cards

‘Scarfes Bar’ satirical playing cards with cartoons by Gerald Scarfe, United Kingdom.

Sissi playing cards

Sissi playing cards

produced for the Austrian tourist market.

Sovereigns of England

Sovereigns of England

Sovereigns of England published by Jaques & Son, c.1875.

The British Royal visit to India playing cards

The British Royal visit to India playing cards

printed in Spain for British India in 1911.

The Game of Four Queens

The Game of Four Queens

In 1988 the Danish School of Design set the examination project to design a pack of playing cards. Thomas Damkier designed this royalty deck, called “Dronningespillet” (Game of Queens).

The Royal Historical Game of Cards

The Royal Historical Game of Cards

The Royal Historical Game of Cards invented by Jane Roberts and published by Robert Hardwicke, c.1840.

Victoria Diamond Jubilee

Victoria Diamond Jubilee

Playing cards commemorating Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, manufactured by Chas Goodall & Son, 1897.

Victorian grocer’s scale plate

Victorian grocer’s scale plate

Large flat plate decorated with highly coloured English cards and royal arms.