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7: Brands and Packs

7: Brands and Packs

The introduction of brands commenced during the late 19th century as a development of the old qualities: Moguls, Harrys, Highlanders and Merry Andrews.

70: Woodblock and stencil : the spade courts

70: Woodblock and stencil : the spade courts

This is a presentation in a more straightforward fashion of the work done by Paul Bostock and me in our book of the same name.

71: Woodblock and stencil: the hearts

71: Woodblock and stencil: the hearts

A presentation of the main characteristics of the wood-block courts of the heart suit.

74: The Wills/Waddington gift scheme 1932

74: The Wills/Waddington gift scheme

The scheme to promote playing cards as gifts by means of inserts in Wills' cigarette packets apparently saved Waddington from their financial problems in 1931. Here are some details of the cards involved.

75: Early American cards

75: Early American cards

An overview of some of the early cards made in the United States.

90 Minutes Playing Cards 1993

90 Minutes Playing Cards

90 Minutes Playing Cards by IPC Magazines 1993.

A Barribal variant for Christmas 1931

A Barribal variant for Christmas

Christmas gift with a difference, made by Waddington’s, Leeds, 1931.

A Bouquet of Pheasants 2019

A Bouquet of Pheasants

A Bouquet of Pheasants playing cards produced by Jennifer Gaudion, United Kingdom, 2019.

A Gardener’s Labyrinth 2003

A Gardener’s Labyrinth

Photographs of flowers, herbs and vegetables by leading photographer Tessa Traeger.

A New Look at the Evolution of Whist Markers and Gaming Counters

A New Look at the Evolution of Whist Markers and Gaming Counters

This article aims to illustrate the evolution of whist and gaming counters from the 18th century to the 20th.

A Royal Game 1896

A Royal Game

A Royal Game featuring Queen Victoria’s children and extended family, published by A. Collier, London, c.1896.

Abbatt Animal Families

Abbatt Animal Families

Abbatt Toys Animal Families, c.1970.

About Georgina Harvey

About Georgina Harvey

Georgina Harvey worked together with Karl Gerich.

About Karl Gerich (1956-2016)

About Karl Gerich (1956-2016)

About Karl Alexander Gerich, 23rd April 1956 — 4th January 2016

About Peter Wood

About Peter Wood

Peter Wood is a UK based artist.

About Shelley Fowles

About Shelley Fowles

Shelley Fowles was born in South Africa but has lived in the United Kingdom since 1979. She trained in Art in Brighton and London.

Adventure Time

Adventure Time

‘Adventure Time’ cult sci-fi playing cards published by Forbidden Planet.

Advertising deck for Carta Mundi 2001

Advertising deck for Carta Mundi

Advertising deck for Carta Mundi produced by Carta Mundi, 2001

Adverto 1910


Adverto card game published by Adverto Publishing Company of Stratford, London, c.1910.

Aesop’s Fables 1759

Aesop’s Fables

Aesop’s Fables playing cards by I. Kirk, c.1759.