Playing Cards from Portugal

28 Articles 5 Contributors
Portuguese Playing Cards

The Real Fábrica de Cartas de Jogar was founded in 1769, by Royal Charter of King José, under the master craftsman Lorenzo Solezio, brother of Félix Solesio who ran the Spanish Real Fábrica at Macharaviaya.

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Portuguese pattern by Real Fábrica

Portuguese pattern by Real Fábrica

Later Portuguese pattern by Impressão Règia, Real Fábrica de Lisboa.

Portuguese Playing Cards

Portuguese Playing Cards

The Real Fábrica de Cartas de Jogar was founded in 1769, by Royal Charter of King José, under the master craftsman Lorenzo Solezio, brother of Félix Solesio who ran the Spanish Real Fábrica at Macharaviaya.

Portuguese Type Cards made in Belgium

Portuguese Type Cards made in Belgium

Portuguese Type Playing Cards made in Belgium, c.1878.

Portuguese Type Playing Cards c.1860

Portuguese Type Playing Cards c.1860

10 cards from a pack of later Portuguese ‘Dragon’ type cards from c.1860, with the Maid of batons about to club a dog.

Tarocco Siciliano

Tarocco Siciliano

The highly individual Sicilian Tarot has the Italo-Portuguese suit system with straight, interlocking swords and batons, and maids instead of jacks

Trajes Regionais Portugueses

Trajes Regionais Portugueses

Portuguese regional costumes published by the French division of Banco Pinto & Sotto Mayor.

Whist No. 32

Whist No. 32

Whist No. 32 - Cartas de Jogar Nunes