Playing Cards from Switzerland

Animal Tarot
Woodblock and stencil Animal Tarot cards, probably of Swiss origin, 2nd half 18th century.

Antique Swiss Playing Cards, c.1530
The Swiss national suit system of shields, acorns, hawkbells and flowers originated sometime during the fifteenth century.

Basler Fasnachts-Karten
The Basler Fasnachts deck is designed each year by a different local artist.

Advertising pack for the food producer Bischofszell, designed by Heinz Looser-Brenner, with non-standard suits.

“Casino” pack made by J. Müller & Cie & Cie, Schaffhouse. The pack was probably designed by Josef Maria Melchior Annen (1868-1954) who also designed several other packs for Müller & Cie.

David Hurter, Schaffhausen
David Hurter built up a playing card business in Schaffhausen during the 18th century.

Egbert Moehsnang
The suit signs and indices are clear and easily recognisable, and each suit has a different predominant colour. The juxtaposition of traditional craft techniques with abstract modern design could be seen as postmodern.

Genevan Dauphiné pattern
Unusual example of a double-ended Genevan Dauphiné pattern pack from c1910.

Humanist pack by J. Müller & Cie
'Humanist' pack made by J. Müller & Cie (Schaffhouse), originally named 'Troubador'. The pack was designed by Melchior Annen (1868-1954) who also designed several other packs for Müller & Cie.

Ilford playing cards
Colourful advertising pack for Ilford designed by Mario Grasso, based on standard English courts.

Investors Overseas Services
Investors Overseas Services, Ltd. (IOS) by A. G. Müller (Schaffhausen), c.1969.

Jass Allemand
Egbert Moehsnang produced this contemporary Swiss-suited, double-ended pack, based on original XV century sources, but they were shunned by card players.