Playing Cards from Childhood
Playing Cards from Childhood highlight card games that have entertained and educated young generations. With imaginative illustrations and engaging designs, these games promote strategic thinking, social interaction and friendly competition. Rediscover their timeless charm and the role they play in fostering creativity, skill development and treasured memories for children worldwide.
Pierre l’Ebouriffé
Heinrich Hoffmann (1809-1894) wrote the Struwwelpeter stories in 1847 for his son Carl. The stories quickly became famous and were translated into many languages...
Sa Majesté, le roi des jeux de cartes
A colourful pack aimed at children, with illustrations by Muriel Kerba.
Shakespearian Misfitz
C. W. Faulkner’s “Shakespearian Misfitz” designed by George Lambert and published around 1907/08 showing famous characters from Shakespeare.
Spear’s Old Maid
Spear’s “The Jolly Game of Old Maid” was introduced around 1900. The cards contain some interesting but harmless social stereotypes from the end of the Victorian era.
Tarot for Baby
This board book simplifies tarot archetypes into accessible affirmations for young children.
The New Game of Animals
Victorian card game with imaginatively designed letters which spell the name of an animal, with one card representing the animal spelt.
Three Bears Snap
“Three Bears Snap” was designed by A. E. Kennedy and published by C. W. Faulkner & Co., c.1930s.
“Vacuation” published by Pepys games, based on the evacuation of children to Reception Areas in the countryside during WW2, c.1939-40.
Waddy Productions
Waddy Productions Ltd was a member of the giant Amalgamated Press group and only published card games for a short period in the 1930s.
Walt Disney playing cards
‘Naipes Donald’, children's miniature Spanish-suited Walt Disney playing cards, Uruguay, c.1990.