Toy Cards

A miniature theatrical pack of playing cards, Germany? c.1900
This miniature pack is very similar to one made by C.L.Wúst in c.1890.

Anonymous Novelty Cards
Miniature novelty playing cards from the late 1940s or early 1950s with a charm of their own. Probably published as small prizes at fairground or seaside amusement arcades.

Billiken Minicartas
Children’s toy cards published in Argentina by Editorial Atlántida in the magazine “Billiken”, 1964.

Birkel Schwarzer Peter
The Birkel company has produced several promotional “Schwarzer Peter” packs over the years and this one is themed on the circus.

Kuzco, l’empereur mégalo
Notched cards featuring toys representing characters from the Disney film Kuzco, as offered by McDonald’s.

Magic Poker Cards
“Magic Poker Cards” are often found inside Christmas crackers along with party hats, puzzles and jokes...

Miniature Playing Cards
Crudely printed miniature children's packs produced anonymously in c.1920-30.

Mundialito de Radiolandia 2000
‘Mundialito’ toy football playing cards published inside the magazine ‘Radiolandia 2000’, Argentina, 1978.

Naipes Hijitus
Naipes HIJITUS playing cards were published during the mid-1980s as an insert in the children’s comic Anteojito.

Sylvanian Families mini playing cards
Miniature cards in sheet form with Sylvanian Families characters on the courts and Jokers.