Heraclio Fournier

España Imperial
España imperial / Imperial Spain playing cards with artwork by Serny, published by Heraclio Fournier, Spain, 1983.

“Europe” designed by Teodoro N. Miciano and printed by Heraclio Fournier in 1962, portraying XIV century European fashions.

European Naval Powers
“XVI Century European Naval Powers” deck illustrated by Isabel Ibáñez de Sendadiano and produced by Heraclio Fournier in 1981.

Explorers and Colonizers of the Americas
“Baraja Histórica” (Descubridores y Colonizadores de America) manufactured by Heraclio Fournier S.A., 1952 designed by Ricardo Summers “Serny”

Fagoaga y Compañía (Casa Bertrand Domec), Buenos Aires, c.1970
Playing Cards Imported into Argentina by Fagoaga y Compañía (Casa Bertrand Domec), Buenos Aires, c.1970

Familias de 7 Paises
“Familias de 7 Paises” card game published by Naipes H. Fournier S.A, Vitoria, 1979.

Festa Major de Vilafranca 1988
Colourful figures associated with the annual festival held in Vilafranca, Catalonia.

Fournier “El Fundador”
The cards shown here were originally printed in 12-colour lithography and published by Heraclio Fournier in 1888.

Fournier Hnos Burgos
In 1860 the Fournier Brothers of Burgos (Spain) commenced producing playing cards. They produced high quality playing cards bearing a portrait of King Charles IV on the ace of coins.

Fournier No.35 Spanish-suited playing cards
Fournier No.35 Spanish-suited playing cards imported into Argentina by Fagoaga y Compañía (Bertrand Domec), c.1970.

Fournier’s Castilian pattern
Designed by Emilio Soubrier, Ignacio Díaz and Augusto Rius during the 1880s as a new definitive national pattern.

Habemus Boda, 2004
“Habemus Boda” deck celebrating the royal wedding of Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia of Spain with cartoons by Sir Cámara.