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Carte da Gioco Toscana 2002

Carte da Gioco Toscana

Carte da Gioco Toscana souvenir deck, 2002.

Carte Giganti Siciliane 2010

Carte Giganti Siciliane

Gigantic souvenir pack combining traditional Sicilian pattern cards with photographic views.

Carte Méthodique 1982

Carte Méthodique

Reproduction of a French pack by François Silvestre intended to teach heraldry, produced in Paris in 1712.

Carte Osteologiche 1978

Carte Osteologiche

Skulls and bones of all descriptions have become the suits and pips in this 40-card pack from Italy.

Carte per Signora 1897

Carte per Signora

“Carte per Signora” patience pack was produced by Fratelli Armanino, Genova, in c.1897.

Carte Romane 1973

Carte Romane

“Carte Romane” designed by Giorgio Pessione, 1973, celebrating the history of Rome.

Carte Romantiche Italiane 1984

Carte Romantiche Italiane

Scenes of life and the theatre in Milan towards the second half of the 19th century.

Centenario Nascita Benito Mussolini 1983

Centenario Nascita Benito Mussolini

Playing cards to commemorate the centenary of Benito Mussolini's birth, Italy, c.1983.

Cinquantenario Fondazione dell'Impero 1986

Cinquantenario Fondazione dell'Impero

50 anniversario / cinquantenario fondazione dell'Impero, Italy 1936-1986.

Cities of Art - Naples

Cities of Art - Naples

Striking views of Naples, photography by Cesare Gerolimetto, produced by Dal Negro.

Club Bridge 1990

Club Bridge

Modiano’s ‘Club Bridge’ is a new edition of a stylish deck originally published in c.1895.

Consorzio Vino Chianti Classico 1976

Consorzio Vino Chianti Classico

Promotional pack for Chianti Classico wine, with designs by Costante Costantini.

Corona Ferrea 1844

Corona Ferrea

Trumps depict historical scenes primarily of the political period known as the Holy Roman Empire from the 6th to 16th century.

Credito Commerciale 1978

Credito Commerciale

Playing cards designed by Enzo Laurà for Credito Commerciale, 1978.

Cuccù 1979


Cuccù or Cucco, an ancient Italian card game, published by Masenghini, 1979.

Dal Negro Bridge set

Dal Negro Bridge set

Dal Negro Bridge set featuring old Vienna pattern courts.

Diabolik Poker 1996

Diabolik Poker

Characters from the Italian comic series Diabolik, with designs by Paolo and Sergio Zaniboni.

Ethiopian playing cards 1980

Ethiopian playing cards

A pack with court cards reflecting different ethnic and cultural groups found in Ethiopia.

Etruria Minchiate

Etruria Minchiate

The Cavaliers are man/beast creatures. The Valets (or Pages) are male for clubs and swords, and female for cups and coins.

Fantasy Italian style 1890

Fantasy Italian style

Fantasy latin-suited pack with court figures in pseudo-medieval style, Fratelli Armanino, Genova, c.1890s.