Playing Cards from Latin America

Naipes ‘Baccarat’
An example of the typical version of the Spanish Catalan pattern which is widely used in South American countries, especially Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.

Naipes Artiguistas, 1816
Naipes Artiguistas published in Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Rios province (Argentina) in 1816, by Fray Solano García.

Naipes Españoles “El Mexicano”
Standard Catalan-type deck, titled "El Mexicano", by an anonymous Argentinean manufacturer, c.1980s.

Naipes Finos — No.304 Spanish Pack
Spanische Spielkarten "Naipes Finos" No.304, manufactured by B. Dondorf designed by the catalan artist Apel-les Mestres, Barcelona, 1902.

Naipes Joketa
“Naipes Joketa” by anonymous manufacturer, c.1975. A slightly elaborated version of conosur pattern.

Naipes Victoria - page 2
Naipes Victoria was Cía Fabril Financiera's leading brand of Spanish-suited playing cards.

Naipes Victoria Gaucho
Naipes Victoria Spanish-suited, gaucho-themed pack celebrating the culture and traditions of the gauchos.

Naipes Vigor S.R.L.
VIGOR S.R.L (1955 - c1975) manufactured a range of playing cards and card games, including Chinita, La Estrella, Barcelonesa, La Española, Fantasio, Las Rosas, Pokerin, Cartas Gitanas and a Hungarian Seasons pack.

Naypes Finos made in Belgium
Belgian manufacturers were competing against Spanish makers. Features of the traditional Spanish designs, including many well-known brands, were imitated or plagiarised.

Panama playing cards
Not a lot of playing cards have been produced in Panama, only a couple of locally-produced tourist souvenir packs.

Parisian Spanish pattern by Fossorier, Amar et Cie
‘Parisian’ Spanish pattern published by Fossorier, Amar et Cie (Paris), c.1902.

Parisian style Spanish deck by Grimaud
Parisian style Spanish deck by Grimaud for export to Uruguay.

Pedro Bosio
Cards of the Spanish National Pattern 'Money Bag' type manufactured by Pedro Bosio, Genova (Italy) probably during the 18th century and for export to Spain or South America.

Pedro Bosio, 2
Cards of the Spanish National Pattern manufactured by Pedro Bosio, Genova (Italy) during the 18th century for export to South America.

Pedro Domecq
Anglo-American pattern for Pedro Domecq Mexican brandy made by Productos Leo S.A., c.2000.