Heraclio Fournier

Iranian Popular Art
Representing Iranian culture and history and intended for a Persian market, these playing cards were designed by V. Romanowski de Boncza, ordered by the Iranian government playing card monopoly at the time and printed by Thomas De la Rue & Co., Ltd, c.1937.

Jeu des 7 familles basques
A Happy Families-type game from the Basque country, with designs by Soledad Bravi and Agathe de Lastic.

La Baraja del Mundial
“La Baraja del Mundial” satirical football deck published by Fournier for ‘Interviú’ news magazine.

Liban Historique et Touristique
“Liban historique et touristique” souvenir of Lebanon playing cards manufactured by Heraclio Fournier.

Líneas rojas 2016
Semicaricatural images of Spanish politicians by Jordi Minguell, combined with non-standard suits.

Loewe: Moda Europea Siglo XVII
Luxury pack for the Spanish fashion house Loewe, with 17th century costume designs by Margot Hamilton Hill.

Medieval Life playing cards
‘Medium Aevum’ (Medieval Life) playing cards designed by Violeta Monreal, published by Heraclio Fournier c.1988.

Monumentos de España
"Monumentos de España" souvenir playing cards manufactured by Heraclio Fournier, S.A., Vitoria (Spain), c.1955.

Monuments de Paris
‘Monuments de Paris’ souvenir playing cards produced by Heraclio Fournier, c.1964.

Naipe Nacional
Naipe Nacional designed by the architect, illustrator and artist Luis Alemany (1886-1943).

Naipes de Personajes Granadinos
Forty famous men and women with links to Granada, on a pack designed by Rubén Garrido.

Naipes Heraclio Fournier 130th Anniversary
Baraja conmemorativa del 130 aniversario de naipes Heraclio Fournier (1868-1998) Spain, 1998.