Clubs represent the Russian Orthodox church, Hearts Roman Catholicism, Spades Confucianism and Diamonds represent Judaism.
Russian Anti-Religions Playing Cards
Religion will always be controversial...

An interesting propaganda pack designed by Sergei Levashev depicting the various religions of the Soviet Empire. Clubs represent the Russian Orthodox church, Hearts Roman Catholicism, Spades Confucianism and Diamonds represent Judaism. The Joker is depicted as a top-hatted Capitalist holding the strings of the four religions. The Russians were no strangers to propaganda cards. The Bolsheviks tried to distribute these anti-Religion playing cards at the 1933 Chicago “Century of Progress” World’s Fair. Printed in chromolithography by the Soviet Union State Playing Card Monopoly, early 1930s.

Above and right: Russian “Anti-Religions” Playing Cards, each suit relating to a religion, printed by chromolithography, 1934. 52 cards + the Joker, depicted as a top-hatted Capitalist holding the strings of the four religions. The backs show a horned face masque design and Star of David in red or blue and white; silvered edges. Images courtesy Barney Townshend.
See also: Anti-fascist Propaganda

By Barney Townshend
Member since October 06, 2015
Retired Airline Pilot, interested in: Transformation Playing Cards, Karl Gerich and Elaine Lewis. Secretary of the EPCS. Treasurer of the IPCS.
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