Playing Cards from Argentina

Fours of Cups
Over the years the company evolved, and changes in the company's name and address can be seen reflected in the information printed on the four of cups.

G. Berger, Buenos Aires, c.1935-50
Berger also produced a Hungarian-type "Seasons" pack with the brand name "La Estrella" and a six-pointed star logo, which was subsequently used by Domicelj and Vigor, suggesting some sort of business succession.

Gaucho Playing Cards
Florencio de los Ángeles Molina Campos (1891-1959) produced the artwork for his series of Gaucho playing cards from 1944 to 1958.

Naipes Globalstar TE.SA.M. Telefonía Satelital playing cards, manufactured by Gráfica 2001.

Glorious Colección 1995
Spanish-suited playing cards featuring the ‘Glorious’ ladies swimwear collection for 1995, designed by Estudio Fileni/Mendióroz.

Gráfica S.A., Bs Aires
Gráfica S.A. of Buenos Aires has produced a number of brands using the Catalan pattern.

Hija de A. Comas “El Periquito”, c.1930
Sebastian Comas y Ricart - Hija de A. Comas “El Periquito” Spanish-suited playing cards for export to Argentina, c.1930.

Hungarian Seasons playing cards by G. Berger, Buenos Aires
Hungarian 'Seasons' playing cards made by G. Berger, Alsina 373, Buenos Aires c.1940

Igor Domicelj, Buenos Aires, c.1945-55
Igor Domicelj commenced producing playing cards in c.1945. By the early 1950s the range had grown to include Naipes La Estrella, Barcelonesa, Chinita, La Española, Fantasio, Cartas Gitanas, Naipes Tipo Húngaro and a Jewish Quartet game.

Imported Argentinean Playing Cards
There has been a number of importing agents, as well as manufacturers from other countries, who have imported playing cards into Argentina.

Impuestos Internos Sobre Naipes
Duty was first introduced on playing cards in Argentina in 1892, as part of the Internal Duties law, and in 1896 the first duty labels were printed to be used on packets of 1 gross packs.

Industria Gráfica Pesout
Coimexpor Spanish-suited playing cards by Industria Gráfica Pesout, S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, c.2008.

J. M. Gandarillas, Buenos Aires, c.1815
Playing cards believed to have been designed in 1815 by the Chilean immigrant Manuel José Gandarillas in Buenos Aires and published the following year.

Jewish Card Game
Judaism is the oldest of the great monotheist religions, parent of Christianity and Islam.