Tarock or Tarok

Tarock and Tarok are traditional card games, distinct from tarot cards used in divination. Originating in the 15th century, these games involve strategic, trick-taking gameplay and have various regional versions across Europe. Unlike modern tarot decks for cartomancy, Tarock and Tarok decks are designed for gaming, featuring a special set of trumps with outdoor scenes and Roman numerals. Trump I often depicts a musician. Our collection of articles explores their card designs and the different regional variations.

Adametz, Vienna
Cards from a 54-card "Austrian Tarock" or "Industrie und Glück Tarock" pack made by Franz Adametz of Vienna, c.1948. This type of pack originated around the middle of the 19th century and was used (and still is) in Austria and Hungary.

Alan Tarot Deck
Reprint of a Tarock pack originally designed by Argio Orell for the Austrian Lloyd shipping company.

Animal Tarot
Woodblock and stencil Animal Tarot cards, probably of Swiss origin, 2nd half 18th century.

Animal Tarot by Andreas Benedict Göbl
French-suited Animal Tarot deck produced by Andreas Benedict Göbl, Munich.

Animal Tarot by J. B Dubois
French-suited Bavarian Animal Tarot by J B Dubois, Liège, Belgium, late 18th C.

Animal Tarot by J. T Dubois
Early 19th century Animal Tarot pack produced by J T Dubois, Liège, Belgium.

Animal Tarot by Johann M Backofen
French-suited ‘Bavarian Animal Tarot’ by Johann Matheus Backofen, Nürnberg, late 18th C.

Animal Tarot by Joseph Fetscher
French-suited Natural History Tarot deck by Joseph Fetscher, Munich, c.1820.

Æsop’s Fables tarot
French-suited Æsop’s fables tarot produced by Leipzig Industrie Comptoir, c.1800-1825.

Cartas Gitanas
The designs of these fortune-telling cards are largely taken from nineteenth century Austrian "Rural Scenes" Tarock cards.

Costumes of Turkey Tarot
‘National Costumes of Turkey’ tarot by Industrie Comptoir, Leipzig, c.1800-1825.

Danish Tarok Cards - Holmblad, c.1850
The traditional animal images on tarok decks are here substituted by images of buildings from Copenhagen and the surrounding area. The deck had several editions, with each new edition updating the latest changes to the buildings that had taken place since the previous edition.

Danish Tarok Cards - Salomon & Co., c.1906
Danish Tarok cards published by S. Salomon & Co., Kjøbenhavn, c.1906.

Dondorf Tarot
Dondorf's “Microscopique Tarock“ was first published in c.1870. The scenes portrayed at each end of the trump cards are marvels of miniature graphic artwork and printing.

Dondorf Tarot Aces
The four suits are associated with four countries: Clubs = Germany, Diamonds = UK, Spades = Russia and Hearts = France.