Dondorf Tarot Aces

Published July 13, 2012 Updated March 16, 2022

The four suits are associated with four countries: Clubs = Germany, Diamonds = UK, Spades = Russia and Hearts = France.

Germany Dondorf Microscopique Tarock

Dondorf Tarot Microscopique ~ 4 Aces     123

B. Dondorf (1833-1933), Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Dondorf's “Microscopique Tarock“ was first published in c.1870, but the example shown here was produced sometime between 1923 to 1929. The four suits are associated with four countries: Clubs = Germany, Diamonds = UK, Spades = Russia and Hearts = France. Each pictorial Ace shows two nationally symbolic buildings from each country. The court cards (shown on next page) follow the same format.

Four Aces from Dondorf's Tarot Microscopique, c.1926

Above: the “Deutsches Reich” tax stamp on the Ace of Hearts was used during the period 1923 to 1929. The Nr.2 refers to the regional tax office in Frankfurt/Main.

Back design and Harlequin from Dondorf's Tarot Microscopique, c.1926

Above: the back design and the unnumbered trump card 'Excuse' as a harlequin. Images courtesy Barney Townshend.

131 Articles

By Barney Townshend

Member since October 06, 2015

Retired Airline Pilot, interested in: Transformation Playing Cards, Karl Gerich and Elaine Lewis. Secretary of the EPCS. Treasurer of the IPCS.

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