
Baraja Edad Media
Baraja Edad Media, fantasy Spanish-suited medieval playing cards published Mas-Reynals, Barcelona, 1993. Designed by M. Malé and illustrated by V. Maza.

Battle of Grunwald
Medieval style playing cards commemorating the Battle of Grunwald (1410), designed and published by Studio Wena, 2011

British Museum Playing Cards
Unique pack of playing cards created for the British Museum with illustrations by Frances Button.

Daveluy produced card games between c.1840 and 1890. Many of his playing cards are in neo-medieval style with landscape backgrounds.

Early German Engraved Playing-cards
During the second half of the fifteenth century, with printing technology commercially established and playing cards already a mass-produced commodity, a succession of masterly German engravers practised their art and decorative playing cards reached a zenith.

“Europe” designed by Teodoro N. Miciano and printed by Heraclio Fournier in 1962, portraying XIV century European fashions.

Flemish Hunting Deck
Set of medieval playing cards with King, Queen, Knave and numeral cards from one to ten in each of four suits which refer to the activity of hunting, as practiced by the nobility.

Four Centuries
“Four Centuries” playing cards by Esselte Öbergs with court cards depicted as caricatures from different historical periods.

Gambling and Vice in the Middle Ages
Gambling and Vice in the Hours of Charles V: card-playing in the local tavern

Grunwald 1410 – The Battle of Tannenberg
Details from the famous painting of the Battle of Grunwald (1410) by the Polish painter Jan Matejko.

Hidden meanings in painting by Jheronimus Bosch
Medieval View of Gambling in the ‘Garden of Earthly Delights’ by Jheronimus Bosch

Jeu de Bataille
“Jeu de Bataille” card game published by Éditions Willeb, Paris. The court cards represent characters from different nationalities or ethnic groups who are presumably engaged in battle

Jeu Gothique
‘Jeu Gothique’ illustrating the Gothic period in France, published by Editions Dusserre.

Jeu Moyen Age
Quénioux believed that aesthetic feelings are the highest values: “C’est précisément cet amour de l’artisan pour le travail qu’il accomplit, la satisfaction intime qu’il en éprouve, qui ont donné naissance à tous les arts et qui ont fait dire que l’art est la joie dans le travail”.