Victoria P.C.C.

10 Articles 2 Contributors

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About Georgina Harvey

About Georgina Harvey

Georgina Harvey worked together with Karl Gerich.

Aquae Sulis

Aquae Sulis

‘Aquae Sulis’ is Georgina Harvey's second design, in which the double-ended courts are reminiscent of classical gods & goddesses.

Deutche Karten

Deutche Karten

Karl Gerich's ‘Deutche Karten’ playing cards No.9, printed from copperplate etchings.

Karl Gerich No.22: “Rouennais”

Karl Gerich No.22: “Rouennais”

Karl Gerich’s hand-made design No.22: “Rouennais”, Victoria P.C.C, Bath (UK), 1990.

Karl Gerich No.26

Karl Gerich No.26

Variations on the standard English pattern are one of Karl's favourite themes. He produced several versions and this is a magnificent example.

Karl Gerich No.28

Karl Gerich No.28

Double-ended courts based on standard English pattern but with variant colours; double-ended Joker plus Steve Davis card.

Karl Gerich No.29

Karl Gerich No.29

“Victoria Playing Cards” designed by Georgina Harvey and produced by Karl Gerich, Bath (UK), 1988. Printed from copperplate etching; hand-coloured.

Karl Gerich No.31: Triton

Karl Gerich No.31: Triton

“Triton”, KG31, was published by Karl Gerich in 1989 trading as Victoria Playing Card Co with double-ended courts based on the XP17 or “Bongoût” pattern of Van Genechen and other Turnhout makers.

Karl Gerich No.33: Views of Bath

Karl Gerich No.33: Views of Bath

Views of Bath is Georgina Harvey's third design, created in 1990. The cards feature beautifully designed double-ended courts and double-ended Aces with a central band which is used to identify different views of the City of Bath at each end.

Merry Andrew

Merry Andrew

There are two Aces to each suit; one plain and the other with figures of a young woman and man, presumably Merry Andrew and his girl-friend.