
Published July 03, 1996 Updated April 25, 2022

8 cards and two jokers from the 'Gironda' pack, showing eminent statesmen and politicians from Lithuania from the 1990s.

Lithuania Political

Lithuanian ‘Gironda’ Political Playing Cards

36 cards + 2 jokers designed and made in Lithuania for Gironda GmbH, 2001.

Since regaining independence in 1990, Lithuania has made remarkable progress in terms of both its transformation to the democratic market economy and its advancement towards greater human development. Lithuania's boom years came to a sudden end in 2008, and after two decades of capitalism, the country became one of the biggest victims of the global economic crisis.

Lithuanian Political playing cards, 2001

Above: 8 cards and two jokers from the 'Gironda' pack, showing eminent statesmen and politicians from Lithuania from the 1990s. The cards are designed in a lively hand-drawn pen and wash style, with digital enhancements. The cards are plastic coated and manufactured to a high overall standard, with perfectly rounded corners, and with an interesting back design which is also printed on the box.

Packs are available from:

Albinas Borisevicius
P.O. Box 1633
LT-07006 Vilnius


Albinas says: “About card's history in Lithuania - there is very little information. I know of only 5 other Lithuanian packs since 1990. Most of the older packs, were destroyed in the war. About old cards (till 1940) - there are only 6 packs I know of in Lithuania which, of course, are very scarce. There are very little collectors of the playing cards by us. Maybe - only 3-5 persons. They have from 50 till 250 card decks in their collections. And there is now very bad economical situation in Lithuania…”

14 Articles

By Albinas Borisevičius

Member since July 01, 2010

I have been collecting cards since 1968, of course, then there were no contacts with world collectors, so my collection was very small. It was only in 1991, when Lithuania declared its independence, that it was possible to have contact with the world. It was a great honor for me to attend the IPCS convention in Munich, where I found many friends-colleagues. I managed to make an agreement with the Viennese card factory to print the ancient cards of Lithuania (PILYS).

My area of collecting - classic mirror-type cards and tourist cards - with images of cities, countries, photos. Also topics Sherlock Holmes, Alexander Dumas, Discover, Chess, Basketball, postage stamps on the cards. Since I am already 75 years old, I don't work, so I can't buy old cards (I really like classic cards from the 1920-1950 period). But my opinion is that it is better to have a card copy than nothing, so I will print one set of cards in Vilnius for my collection. Of course, if anyone wants, I can print it for them too. You can see my printed cards here: Lithuania - Orija.

I have published one book in Lithuania about cards and card games (in Lithuanian, about 400 pages): Albinas Borisevicius. Pirmasis padalijimas (The first deal)

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