Renée Sturbelle

Published September 18, 2012 Updated March 13, 2022

Artistic playing cards with abstract designs by Renée Sturbelle, first published by Brepols S.A., Turnhout, 1947.

1947 Belgium Brepols Renée Sturbelle Art & Design Cubism Designers

Playing cards designed by Renée Sturbelle, Belgium

Original artistic playing cards with abstract designs by Renée Sturbelle, first published by Brepols S.A., Turnhout, 1947, possibly reprinted by van Genechten in c.1960. The designs are hand-drawn in ink, coloured red, blue and black, and inspired by a sort of simplified cubism. The Jacks are drummers or archers; the Queens are harpists or holding glasses; the Kings are swordsmen or statesmen. 52 cards + Joker. There is not much information available about the artist Renée Sturbelle, who is believed to have been born in Belgium.

Cubist style playing cards designed by Renée Sturbelle, 1947

Above: non-standard fantasy playing cards designed by Renée Sturbelle, produced by Brepols S.A., Turnhout, 1947. 56mm x 89mm. The artwork appears inspired by Cubism, in which objects are analyzed, broken up and reassembled in an abstracted form.

131 Articles

By Barney Townshend

Member since October 06, 2015

Retired Airline Pilot, interested in: Transformation Playing Cards, Karl Gerich and Elaine Lewis. Secretary of the EPCS. Treasurer of the IPCS.

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