Playing Cards from China

“Double Happiness” brand Hakka [客家] playing cards used by Hakka ethnic communities who have a separate identity from Cantonese,

Hokkien Four Colour Cards
The characters on the cards are written one way for red and yellow, and another for green and white. They are: 將 士 象 車 馬 包 兵 for white and green; 帥 仕 相 俥 傌 炮 卒 for red and yellow.

Hong Kong
A large proportion of the world's souvenir and pin-up playing cards originate from Hong Kong.

Lucky Buddha Beer
Deck made in China in c.2010 advertising the Chinese brew “Lucky Beer, the enlightened beer”

Magic Poker Cards
“Magic Poker Cards” are often found inside Christmas crackers along with party hats, puzzles and jokes...

Mahjongg is usually played with tiles, which are Chinese playing cards made in solid form...

Mao Zedong & International Friends
Playing cards celebrating the story of the Chinese leader and statesman Chairman Mao / Mao Zedong & International Friends.

Maxi Puke 201 Circus Poker
Maxi Puke 201 Circus Poker brand produced by Wenyu Paper Products, Shanghai.

Pixel Tarot
This tarot deck pays tribute to the golden age of pixelated video games, drawing inspiration from the simplicity of pixel art graphics.

Plants vs. Zombies UNO Card Set
Plants vs. Zombies UNO card set Chinese edition, licensed by Mattel East Asia Limited, 2011.