Spanish Suited (Any pattern)

A Moorish Sheet of Playing Cards
This article was originally published in “The Playing-Card”, the Journal of the International Playing-Card Society (London), Volume XV, No.4, May 1987.

A Todos Alumbra
40-card "A Todos Alumbra - Naypes Refinos" pack manufactured by Léonard Biermans, Turnhout, c.1880.

Alphonse Arnoult Spanish-suited pack
Luxurious Spanish-suited pack made by Alphonse Arnoult, Paris, France, c.1850.

Anon Spanish Cards c.1875
Spanish-suited playing cards made in Belgium by Mesmaekers Frères, c.1875.

Antoine de Logiriera
Archaic Spanish-suited playing cards published in Toulouse by Antoine de Logiriera (1495-1518).

Baraja Canaria
‘La Auténtica Baraja Canaria’ was published in 1995 by Justo Pérez as an expression of the history and character of the Canary Islands.

Baraja de Amor
Hijos de José Garcia Taboadela was a book-seller who also published this charming pack of lovers' fortune telling cards in 1871.

Baraja Edad Media
Baraja Edad Media, fantasy Spanish-suited medieval playing cards published Mas-Reynals, Barcelona, 1993. Designed by M. Malé and illustrated by V. Maza.

Baraja Morisca — Early XV century playing cards
Primitive Latin suited pack, dated by paper analysis as early XV century, which makes this one of the earliest known surviving packs of playing cards.

Benoist Laius
Spanish playing cards such as these were used in those parts of France where certain games were enjoyed, such as Aluette.

Bertschinger y Codina
Fantasy Spanish-suited playing cards by Bertschinger y Codina (Barcelona), c.1850.

Cádiz Pattern playing cards
A popular Spanish playing card pattern widely exported to Spanish-influenced markets.

Cartes Catalanes
Cartes Catalanes are used in a small area in the Eastern Pyrenees region of Southern France.

Clemente Roxas double-ended Spanish pack
Double-ended Spanish-suited playing cards published by Clemente de Roxas in Madrid, 1814.

Conrad Punta del Este Resort & Casino
Naipes Conrad Punta del Este Casino playing cards produced specially for Conrad Punta del Este Resort & Casino.