Bavarian Military Cards
The King of Acorns is supposed to represent Prince Otto; the King of Leaves is Maximilian II; the King of Bells is Ludwig II; the King of Hearts is Ludwig I wearing a general's uniform.
Bayerische Militärkarte / Bavarian Military Cards
manufactured by successors of Johann Conrad Jegel, Nürnberg
The bright images on these finely engraved patriotic playing cards with a military theme are coloured with stencils. The uniforms are coloured in mainly green and blue, and the Kings are not actually wearing their crowns. The King of Acorns is supposed to represent Crown Prince Otto I; the King of Leaves is Maximilian II; the King of Bells is Ludwig II; the King of Hearts is Ludwig I wearing a general's uniform. The court cards are all male, but some of the numeral cards depict women as well as military objects. This appears to be a later edition produced after 1879 by Johann Wilhelm Sass, who succeeded J C Jegel in 1857.

Above: German-suited "Bayerische Militärkarte" (Bavarian Military Cards) manufactured by successors of Johann Conrad Jegel, 36 cards, single-ended, stencil coloured, 10.4 x 5.8 cm. The Two of Hearts has a tax stamp with a double-headed eagle and the inscription "Deutsches Reich - Dreissig Pf. No.52". The back is a cross-grid pattern. Images courtesy Rod Starling.
"Geschichte Auf Spielkarten 1789-1871", Deutsches Spielkartenmuseum, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 1987
All images on this page are from the collection of Rod Starling, author of "The Art and Pleasures of Playing Cards".
• See also: Historical Deck published by Johann Conrad Jegel.

By Rod Starling (1936-2023)
Member since January 09, 2013
Rod Starling was one of the founding members of the 52 Plus Joker card collectors club. He authored many articles for the club's quarterly newsletter, Clear the Decks. His collection encompasses both foreign and American decks. Rod also authored a book titled The Art and Pleasures of Playing Cards.
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