Fynste Java Speelkaarten

Published November 22, 2012 Updated July 27, 2022

Dondorf's "Fynste Java Speelkaarten No.17" was published to commemorate the second marriage of King William III with Princess Emma of Waldeck-Pyrmont, on January 7, 1879.

1879 Germany Dondorf Commemorative Java Political

B. Dondorf: Fynste Java Speelkaarten No.17

Dondorf produced this fine chromolithographed pack for Gumprich & Strauss in Batavia, Java, now Jakarta, in which the four Aces illustrate scenes from the former Dutch East Indies during the colonial period. The pack was published to commemorate the second marriage of King William III with Princess Emma of Waldeck-Pyrmont, on January 7, 1879. The Kings and Queens are members of the Dutch Royal Family. The four Jacks are Dutch soldiers (Hearts = artillery, Diamonds = cavalry, Spades = infantry, Clubs = Marines). The Jack of Clubs has a small Dondorf logo. The deck continued to be published into the early 1930s with small indices (A, K, D, B) added in c.1910.

the four Aces from Dondorf's Fynste Java Speelkaarten No.17 published for Gumprich & Strauss in Batavia to commemorate the second marriage of King William III with Princess Emma of Waldeck-Pyrmont in 1879 Dondorf's Fynste Java Speelkaarten No.17 published for Gumprich & Strauss in Batavia to commemorate the second marriage of King William III with Princess Emma of Waldeck-Pyrmont in 1879 the back from Dondorf's Fynste Java Speelkaarten No.17 published for Gumprich & Strauss in Batavia to commemorate the second marriage of King William III with Princess Emma of Waldeck-Pyrmont in 1879

Above: Dondorf's "Fynste Java Speelkaarten No.17" published for Gumprich & Strauss in Batavia to commemorate the second marriage of King William III with Princess Emma of Waldeck-Pyrmont in 1879. Printed by chromolithography: 52 cards in box, no Joker: 92x65mm. The Kings and Queens are members of the Dutch Royal Family. The King of Diamonds = Prince Alexander and the Queen of Diamonds = Princess Marianne; the King of Clubs = Prince Henry and the Queen of Clubs = Princess Marie; the King of Hearts = King William III and the Queen of Hearts = Queen Emma, Princess of Waldeck-Pyrmont; the King of Spades = Prince William of Orange and the Queen of Spades = Princess Sophie. Images courtesy Barney Townshend,


Hoffmann, Detlef and Dietrich, Margot: "Die Dondorf'schen Luxus-Spielkarten", Harenberg, Dortmund 1983.

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131 Articles

By Barney Townshend

Member since October 06, 2015

Retired Airline Pilot, interested in: Transformation Playing Cards, Karl Gerich and Elaine Lewis. Secretary of the EPCS. Treasurer of the IPCS.

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